The Academy move is getting closer; we’ll be occupying our space on Tuesday of next week. We have two work crews coming in to help use clean out the Uhaul and move our equipment on to the 2nd and 3rd floors. One crew is from Morrisville P&P and one is from the Windsor Service Camp. Thank you
I thought I would talk about our new main class room. The room should allow comfortable seating for up to 40 participants. We are moving forward with a learning technology update. We’re getting a smart board for this room and hope to set up some interactive activities with other sites and online training. This one room alone is a large upgrade to our department’s training capabilities. Did I tell you we’re also getting a second class room and two smaller meeting/break out spaces?
There are two cells left for us to do training exercises, the control room is still intact and can be used for training, and we’re going to set up some displays outside our main class room for the Honor Guard. Maybe Cert (tactical and HN) will want to do something?
It’ll be great to have a place to put some of our
So, come up and check us out, just don’t be surprised if the place is still a little disorganized, we’ll have everything up and running real soon. Remember the 103rd will be here on August 10th and we’ll be ready for them.
This sound like this going to be a great improvement for the academy, I even like the fact that it takes place in an old correctional facility. What better way to train new CO’s then in a Correctional facility. I really like that you even have cells for the new recruits to train in. Looking forward to stopping by and checking out the new academy.